How To Fix MacBook Screen Flickering? Simple Fixes Guide

Not everyone who uses a Mac will face the problem of screen glitching. But a certain amount of people experience this. Here we explain why it happens and how we can solve it.

how to fix macbook screen flickering

Why is the MacBook Screen Flicking?

This can happen because of both physical and software problems. The most common cases are Malware, liquid spreading, dropping sharp tools on the laptop, dropping your laptop from a high, or some software problems.  

How to Fix This Issue?

There are some ways to fix this issue. let’s see what are those


Sometimes restarting can solve most of the problems in our devices. For restart just click on the Apple logo. You can see this in the top-left corner of your screen. Then select restart.

Disable Dark Mode and True Tone

Dark mode is best for your eyes when your eyes will try so easily. It is easy to use. True tone helps adjust the screen light according to your background light. This can be seen in retina displays. These features are designed to help your eyes but also they can cause your MacBook screen to flicker.

Disable True Tone

  •       First, go to the Apple menu then System Preferences. After that click on Displays. If you have more than one display select the one you want.
  •       Check the checkbox and off the true tone.

Disable Dark Mode

  •       Navigate to the Apple menu and then system preferences. Then click on General.
  •       Then select the Appearance category and select the light option.

Check for a New Software Update

When you update your MacBook to the latest version it can solve lots of your software problems. To do that,

  •       Open the system preferences and choose software update.
  •       If you can see any new software update click on Update Now and follow the screen instructions.

Reset the NVRAM

NVRAM means non-volatile random-access memory. This memory stores data about your screen resolutions and other different kinds of data about your MacBook. When the NVRAM is outdated or cluttered the screen flicking can happen. In that case, reset it.

  •       First, shut down your device.
  •       Turn it on back and press and hold option + command + P + R immediately.
  •       Do this for 20 seconds and your Mac will restart with a reset of NVRAM.

Reset SMC

System Management Controller of your Mac control and manage power. Resetting it can solve this issue. This will change according to the model you have.

Apple Silicon MacBook

Restarting your computer will Reset your SMC when you have a silicon chip with one.

T2 Security Chip

  •       Restart your device by going to the Apple Menu and Restart.
  •       When the computer is turned on immediately press the shift+control+option keys.
  •       Hold them for 10 seconds. Then press the power button. Count to 10.
  •       Release all the keys and after a moment turn on your MacBook.

Run Apple Diagnostics

After doing all the above things still you have the issue it is time to run Apple Diagnosis.

First, shut down your device and disconnect all the external devices except the mouse, keyboard, and display. Then place your computer on a flat surface.

For Mac with Apple Silicon

  •       Switch on the device and when the device is on, hold down the Power button.
  •       When the startup options window appears on your screen release the power button then you can see a gear icon labeled option. Press command + D.

For Mac Doesn’t Use Apple Silicon

  •       Turn on your device and immediately press the D key.
  •       Release the D key when the Language option appears.

After that Apple Diagnostics analyses the device and defects if there are any problems.

After trying all these steps and still can’t solve go to an authorized Apple device repair center to repair your device.